3D Animations and Industries: A Global Movement

Animations that budded from the film industry are now flourishing and sprawling over other major industries worldwide. Due to its diverse benefits and adaptability to the needs of various industries, the demand has grown tremendously across the globe. As a result, 3D animations quickly rose as one of the top digital marketing trends in 2021.

What are 3D Animations?

3D animations, synonymous with motion art, are computer-generated graphic elements in movement. Individual images move sequentially and quickly, which causes an animated effect. All text, visual, and audio elements come together and create a bewitching motion in art. Thus, this visual communication breathes life into products, brings joy to the consumers, and builds loyalty to the brands.

Emile Cohl created the first-ever animated movie called ‘Fantasmagorie’ using drawings and glass plates. With escalating developments in technology today, brands use many types of animations to spread their message.

Benefits of Motion Graphics

Attention Grabber

Although it has improved comfort and convenience, digital times have also brought down attention spans. This has posed a greater challenge to marketers in attracting and locking the audience’s attention. However, including 3D animations in their promotion strategies created instant success. In addition to attention-grabbing power, 3D solutions like motion graphics further improve the attention span of buyers on social media.

Easy Creation

3D animations are easy to create with existing technology. Everything is created on computers which allow designers to create gripping animated videos within a short time frame. Additionally, the process is cost-effective and supports green living as there is no need for physical materials.

Excellent Delivery

Motion graphics are an excellent vehicle of communications when used properly. They convey complex concepts and clearly transfer the brand’s message to the prospective buyers. This motion in art is also retained faster and for longer times due to the superiority of visual processing over text.

Social Media Feasibility

Animations permeate every social channel with ease. Hence, they can be uploaded on any social platform and reach a wider audience within a few minutes.

Industries that are Re-shaping the Usage of 3D Animations

Film & Television

Entertainment is the earliest industry to have tried and experimented with 3D animations to entertain the audience. The ease of storytelling with a blend of audio and visual content makes animations a perfect way to tell inspiring stories.

The alluring streak of these motion graphics further bled into the television industry as well. First of its kind, the upcoming South Korean television series Yumi’s Cells, combined live-action with 3D animationsincorporates 3D animation and live-action. 


Understanding the advantages it presents, architects now use 3D animations to present high-quality, accurate blueprints. Architectural animations help designers present every minute detail on how a project can look post-construction. This, therefore, helps rule out any possible loopholes, refine until perfection, and give clients a clear glimpse of the design’s vision.

Marketing and Advertising

Marketing is one of the biggest industries to demand 3D animation. Because marketers use engaging visual content to attract the thin attention spans of customers, their tactics work almost like magic. As a result, the audience always turns their heads to watch lively and realistic elements moving on the screen.

Brands like Coca-Cola, Cadbury, and Google weaved their stories in animated commercials and won the hearts of their loyal fans.

Interior Design

Replacing drawings, animations have become an irresistible tool for interior designers to showcase their intrinsic detail and styling. Customers can view the room transitions, the functionality of household devices, set a mood through the décor in these 3D animated walkthroughs. Furthermore, they can continue to make changes to the design that reflects their values and tastes intricately and intimately.


Translating 2D designs into real-time products requires high accuracy, clear detailing, and correct measurements. Therefore, through animations, manufactures can view the entire creation process step by step and see how the end product looks in real-time without producing them physically. They fine-tune the product design limitlessly, remove any errors, and speed up the manufacturing process.


Games became much more riveting with the introduction of 3D animations. Motion graphics create a fascinating environment that engrosses gamers for a long time. Thus, characters come to life through refined movement and captivating visuals. Animations have become a staple for every game today.

Digital Commerce

The E-commerce industry uses animations to provide a lucid view of the product’s features and design. They allow customers to view any product from all angles and at a microscopic level, removing any skepticism about online shopping. Therefore, animations play a crucial role in helping buyers quickly adapt to digital buying.

3D Animation: A Motion in Art Conqueror

From only on silver screens to every digital screen, animations have captured many audiences along the way. While digitization has no signs of slowing down, animated videos will continue to shine in every industry. Through compelling storytelling, lively characters, and artistic expressions, 3D animation conquers digital world consumers.

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